Systém kontroly a monitoringu cizorodých látek v rezortu zemědělství


  • Eva Černá Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, odbor potravinářské výroby, Praha
  • Simona Hrabětová Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, odbor potravinářské výroby, Praha


Ministry of Agriculture has coordinated an agriculture control system in soil, fodders and food since 1983. Control and monitoring systems of extraneous substances in agriculture has been realized since 1992. The system outputs help with a preparation of legislation (especially determination or correction of extraneous substance limits) as well as with food products- and raw materials export. Also expertises on damages caused by imissions to farmers, producing in endangered localities, has been worked up on the base of monitoring system results. These results have been used for granting compensations, for pollution sources identification and for demarcation of pieces of land insuitable for planting of food raw materials. Control and monitoring systems results inform the public of current situation as well as of its development.




Jak citovat

Černá, E., & Hrabětová, S. (1997). Systém kontroly a monitoringu cizorodých látek v rezortu zemědělství. Chemické Listy, 91(10), 829–832. Získáno z




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