Statistical Evaluation of Analytical Features of Composites Based on Wheat Flour


  • I. Švec Department of Carbohydrates and Cereals, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
  • M. Hrušková Department of Carbohydrates and Cereals, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague


composite wheat flour, non-traditional crop, Falling Number, Zeleny sedimentation value, retention capacity


From a nutrition point of view, wheat flour as basic recipe component of cereal products is a valuable source of plant proteins, some vitamins and minerals; at the same time, it is rightfully considered deficient in content of other components with nutritional benefit, which are necessary in diet of recent population. Non-traditional components prepared from seeds or fruits of seven plants (oak tree, fonio, chestnut tree, chia, hemp, nopal and teff) are known as donors of not only dietary fibre constituents, but also of further appreciated photo-chemicals. Owing to non‑gluten nature of proteins in these materials, they rather have a negative effect on technological properties of wheat flour. To screen and predict an expected impact, values of the Falling Number and the Zeleny sedimentation test were determined for all flour composites tested. Changes in the physical stage of starch and the pentosans content were described by the SRC (Solvent Retention Capacity) method.



How to Cite

Švec, I., & Hrušková, M. (2017). Statistical Evaluation of Analytical Features of Composites Based on Wheat Flour. Chemické Listy, 111(1), 41–46. Retrieved from


