The Education and Teaching of Chemistry in the Czech Republic Today
The education in the Czech Republic went through numerous changes in the last twenty years. Both the organi¬zational structure of the schools and the curriculum have changed. This article characterizes the most important of these changes at primary and secondary schools. It shows the changes in the numbers of respective school types during 1990 2005, as well as the changes in primary schools' graduates' interests in study at secondary schools and secondary schools' graduates' interests in study at colleges. Furthermore, the article focuses on the contents changes in the primary and secondary schools' teaching related to the programme documents of European Union and the Czech Republic. We give special attention to the contents of the subject of chemistry, at both primary and secondary schools, with general scope or chemistry specialization.Downloads
How to Cite
Čtrnáctová, H., & Zajíček, J. (2010). The Education and Teaching of Chemistry in the Czech Republic Today. Chemické Listy, 104(8). Retrieved from